Our Strategy

Our strategy aims to promote and advance libertarian values through a multi-faceted approach. It focuses on party organizing, supporting local candidates, building issue coalitions, and cultivating a liberty culture. By expanding party membership, training and equipping candidates, forming alliances with like-minded organizations, and engaging the public through events and media, we strive to foster a culture of liberty and achieve political outcomes aligned with libertarian principles.

Party Organizing
This encompasses everything from recruiting members into the Libertarian Party, the state and county Libertarian Parties and creating new county level Libertarian Party affiliates where there are currently none, encouraging attendance and involvement in them and organizing around state and national conventions.

Local Candidates
Training, equipping, volunteering for, and financially or otherwise supporting local candidates running for offices that have the authority to make an impact on liberty issues, ideally to help a local area nullify federal and/or state laws. Ensuring that candidates for high visibility, difficult-to-win races such as president, governor, etc. are headed by candidates and campaign teams that effectively convey the libertarian message.

Issues Coalitions
Creating issue initiatives and/or building relationships with other organizations, elected officials, and private individuals who support the libertarian position on one specific issue, and coordinating with them to, where possible, achieve a libertarian political outcome.

Liberty Culture
Creating issue initiatives and/or building relationships with other organizations, elected officials, and private individuals who support the libertarian position on one specific issue, and coordinating with them to, where possible, achieve a libertarian political outcome.

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