
Unintended Consequences

The claim of a “Pandemic of the Unvaccinated” ignores evidence that vaccinated individuals can spread the virus. Data shows vaccinated individuals carrying high viral loads, making them potential superspreaders. The unintended consequence is a pandemic caused by the vaccinated, not due to mask-wearing.

The Problem with an Abundance of Caution

Out of an Abundance of Caution against an Abundance of Caution we should never, ever give up another inch of the rope of liberty. Those who claim they care about us, will take that inch of rope, pull out many more lengths and choke us with it, all the while telling us it’s for our own good.

The Sovereign State of Florida

The Flexit political committee advocates for State sovereignty and the right of Florida and other States to peacefully secede from the United States, highlighting the need to uphold individual rights and address the increasing division within the country.

America’s Mess

The U.S. military’s efforts to strengthen the Afghani army against the Taliban have failed, resulting in a rapid collapse and the Taliban taking control. The chaotic withdrawal reflects the long-standing flaws in America’s Middle East foreign policy.

GOA Being Attacked by Fudds

Republican leaders in Florida, despite a supermajority, have failed to advance pro-gun legislation. Gun Owners of America calls them out, urging action and support for Constitutional Carry.

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